Current Events

Multi-Week Programs - February Series

From February 10, 2024 10:30am until February 10, 2024 12:30pm

Sign your child up for a multi-week program and choose every Saturday or every Sunday of the month. From one week to the next, instructor-led groups give kids ages 4-14 a chance to hone their skills and ride with buddies!


Powder Sprouts (4 year olds) will teach your child basic ski skills and how to have fun in a safe environment. Your child will have a 1-to-1 student to instructor ratio in 1-hour private sessons.


Powder Cats (ages 5-7) focuses on skill development, exploration, mountain safety, and fun! Your child must be able to stop, turn, and load the EZ Rider lift under their own power in order to join Powder Cats. Participants will meet in the Children's Learning Center.


The Freeride Team (ages 8-14) is for seasoned skiers and boarders that are ready to master the entire mountain. A Freeride Team participant’s skill will transform as they are introduced to bumps, powder, steeps, and trees. Classes will be divided by like abilities. Participants will meet at the Lesson Meeting Area (outside, west of lodge).

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©2025 Powderhorn Mountain Resort, 48338 Powderhorn Rd, Mesa, CO 81643

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22°F W 15mph
Visibility Variable
48hr 2 in

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